Wednesday 27 April 2016

April 2016

Photos taken on the orchard today April 28 
A mild to warm autumn til now, I enjoy this time of year.

 Golden Sweet apricot above
Kay Sweet nectarine below
Bluff Rock in the background

 View down some apricot rows

 Some young Lapin and Simone cherries planted last winter, headed off as single rods.

Bellise to the left Sandra Rose cherries to the right

up close in a Santina canopy

Rosy Rainier above and below.

Some older Burlat and Merchant cherries

 Older Stella and Bing cherries

 View from the nursery

Love the poplars

Our Grandson's third birthday recently
Dax and his little brother Dash
It was good to get a break from the orchard and visit our grandchildren.
Best wishes to all.